Medical Medium’s Shines the Light on COVID

Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium, revised and updated the first Medical Medium book. The new edition was released in March 2021 and contains roughly 277 references about the COVID pandemic and the truth about what happened.


“This specific original strain of COVID that found its way into people recently was far more aggressive at the very beginning, because it had never entered human beings before. As it passes through the human population, it becomes less aggressive (unless it’s competing with a very aggressive flu strain)—as it goes through millions of people, COVID loses strength because it has to battle the human immune system along the way. Each person’s immune system battles and fights COVID, and over time, as it’s entering more and more people, the virus itself changes and weakens.”

“The flu and COVID are manufactured viruses. They’ve been raised in labs, experimented with, tested with, and fed foods to stay alive. COVID and the flu virus compete with each other (although not with herpetic viruses) inside the body. If someone with COVID also contracts a bad flu strain, COVID will increase its strength to battle the flu for survival. The two viruses attach themselves to each other until one of them slowly breaks down and destroys the other.”

“We’re in an age today where viruses don’t just appear. They are manipulated, altered, and sometimes even created through purposely mutating original, natural, docile strains of viruses found in our natural environment.”

“COVID is a virus that is alive. It is not an RNA strand that is dead, or fragments of information from the virus itself. That is, COVID is a living virus. The flu is also a living virus. Viruses in the herpetic family are living viruses, including EBV, shingles, cytomegalovirus, simplex, HHV-6, HHV-7, and other known and unknown HHV varieties. These viruses are all alive—and in order for living viruses to stay alive, they need to eat food. Just as EBV feeds on toxic heavy metals such as mercury and other foods, the flu and COVID do the same.”

“COVID is not just the one single strain that was started. And COVID is transmissible in the same way the flu is—the same way people pass the flu around in its many strains is how people contract and pass COVID around in its many strains.”

William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (pp. 50-51). Hay House. Kindle Edition.


More Details from the Higher Source

William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (p. 50). Hay House. Kindle Edition. wrote:

We’re in an age today where viruses don’t just appear. They are manipulated, altered, and sometimes even created through purposely mutating original, natural, docile strains of viruses found in our natural environment. The flu virus and COVID do consume toxic heavy metals such as mercury, but only mercury. Both these viruses do not feast on other toxic heavy metals. This is why people with higher mercury levels and higher viral levels from EBV and shingles causing their symptoms and conditions tend to be more sensitive to COVID. We can umbrella it all as “preexisting conditions,” but it’s more than that—it’s preexisting viruses the person has. Which viruses do they have? Are they also high in toxic heavy metals such as mercury?Taking action and removing toxic heavy metals such as mercury out of the body is another step you can take to help your preventative measures with viruses such as flu or COVID. It’s important, too, to be proactive in understanding the preexisting virus you have that’s creating the symptoms you live with on a daily basis, because working to overcome your chronic symptoms by killing off viruses such as EBV can make you stronger—more able to take on the flu and COVID we’re up against in today’s world.

William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (p. 50). Hay House. Kindle Edition.

Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (p. 50). Hay House. Kindle Edition wrote:

…COVID is very similar. It is not just the one single strain that was started. And COVID is transmissible in the same way the flu is—the same way people pass the flu around in its many strains is how people contract and pass COVID around in its many strains.William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (p. 50). Hay House. Kindle Edition.
William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (p. 50). Hay House. Kindle Edition. wrote:

The flu and COVID are manufactured viruses. They’ve been raised in labs, experimented with, tested with, and fed foods to stay alive. COVID and the flu virus compete with each other (although not with herpetic viruses) inside the body. If someone with COVID also contracts a bad flu strain, COVID will increase its strength to battle the flu for survival. The two viruses attach themselves to each other until one of them slowly breaks down and destroys the other.A preventative measure that may be helpful is to eliminate certain foods that can possibly feed the flu or COVID. The leading food is eggs. Eggs are used to grow and raise viruses in the lab. This is just one helpful preventative measure you can take action with. Having eggs in your body system on a daily or weekly basis can help launch a virus such as COVID or even the flu upon first contacting it.

COVID is a virus that is alive. It is not an RNA strand that is dead, or fragments of information from the virus itself. That is, COVID is a living virus. The flu is also a living virus. Viruses in the herpetic family are living viruses, including EBV, shingles, cytomegalovirus, simplex, HHV-6, HHV-7, and other known and unknown HHV varieties. These viruses are all alive—and in order for living viruses to stay alive, they need to eat food. Just as EBV feeds on toxic heavy metals such as mercury and other foods, the flu and COVID do the same.

William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (p. 50). Hay House. Kindle Edition.

William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (pp. 49-50). Hay House. Kindle Edition. wrote:

…. COVID, even more instigative as a trigger, works in a similar way: past symptoms that someone has struggled with can easily come back, or newer symptoms can appear from preexisting viruses (such as EBV) that no one knew were already in their body, awaiting a chance to surface. These scenarios only describe some symptoms can appear from preexisting viruses (such as EBV) that no one knew were already in their body, awaiting a chance to surface.COVID is actually quickening people’s future symptoms and illness. This is a great source of confusion. Many people think that it’s all because of COVID; they believe that COVID itself is the reason they’re struggling with newfound chronic symptoms. If someone develops breathing issues that become chronic because COVID injured their lungs, then yes, that’s a result of COVID. Someone could also have a slow recovery from COVID if the virus created a very high fever for a long period of time. (More on that in a moment.)

These scenarios only describe some cases, though. In truth, the majority of lasting problems that people experience post-COVID aren’t COVID anymore. They’re preexisting or unseen problems that got triggered—chronic symptoms and conditions that someone was already going to develop because of viral activity already present in their body. COVID acted as a trigger for the EBV or other viruses that were in the body, undetected. It brought future symptoms and conditions to someone earlier in life, versus waiting 20-plus years to develop them.

Now let’s compare this to what it can be like to recover from a COVID-related fever. A high, sustained fever can lead to dehydration and severe electrolyte deficiency crisis, in turn leading someone to experience post-COVID brain fatigue for up to about three to six months before feeling back to normal. Or that fever could put an enormous stress on the adrenal glands, which are highly sensitive to heat, weakening the adrenals to the point that they need a good one to three months of recovery. These effects of high fever don’t lead to lots of different symptoms. Someone may just get tired more easily, or feel weaker and have less strength than normal, and it will remedy itself over time. These do not tend to be permanent post-COVID conditions.

In contrast, when COVID triggers an underlying viral condition such as EBV, symptoms can be wider ranging and longer lasting. Or someone can experience both at once—a slow recovery due to a high, sustained COVID-related fever at the same time as the onset or flare-up of chronic symptoms from an underlying viral condition that COVID triggered.

Both the flu and COVID can create confusion in other ways, too. For example, someone may already be struggling with chronic symptoms long term—for example, fatigue, brain fog, aches and pains, sadness—and may have received multiple diagnoses along the way, whether told the suffering is due to gut problems, fibromyalgia, MS, ocular migraines, RA, Lyme disease, anxiety, or depression. Then, that person may contract the flu or COVID and feel worse, not realizing why. Even a milder form of flu can make these symptoms feel so much worse than they already do. While it may be temporary—just two or three weeks of worse symptoms, possibly, depending on what that person is going through—it can be enough to slow the person down.

Mild strains of the flu are especially disorienting. Symptoms could be as simple as little extra body aches, mild fever, scratchy throat, and headache, and when this happens intermixed with the symptoms someone already has, it can confuse the situation. People may think their preexisting chronic conditions are getting worse, or that they’re doing something wrong, or that their health is going backward, when what’s really happening is that a mild strain of the flu is passing through the body. It’s an easy mistake to make. It usually takes mucus forming and maybe a cough developing for people to realize they may have caught something—that it’s not a normal condition or symptom they’re used to living with intermittently.

There are mild flu strains where the mucus and cough never come, so someone never has the realization that it was the flu. The stomach flu confuses people all the time, too. They get hit with it, they’re vomiting, they can’t eat, and they feel truly lost in that day or two as it’s passing through them. They don’t know if it’s a preexisting condition or if they maybe have food poisoning. With any flu, you can have the mildest of symptoms, where you just feel a little tired and achy, then it goes away—yet you can pass that flu strain to someone else, and that person can be hit a little harder, especially if the person has preexisting symptoms or conditions.

William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (pp. 48-50). Hay House. Kindle Edition.

Recommended Therapeutic Treatments

Zinc and high dose Vitamin C are the primary prevention and treatment recommendations:

“Since I was a child, [the source] has told me that zinc is a fighting weapon against viruses. One reason is because the world is zinc deficient. It’s not in our food; we’re lacking zinc even in the best organic food we grow. Zinc is an immune system equalizer. It supports it in a way that doesn’t allow the immune system to overreact or underreact.

“With COVID, our immune system tends to overreact because it’s such a newly released virus. Our bodies see it as a complete stranger, and COVID can react by waging a war, at the same time your immune system can overreact. That’s how it gets truly messy.

“Zinc can do three things: (1) calm the immune system down, (2) strengthen the immune system, because immune cells feed off zinc, and (3) at the same time, weaken COVID and the flu virus. When zinc weakens COVID, that makes the virus docile and less aggressive. This is a measure that can be very helpful with COVID, the flu, and other viruses that are in the process of being manufactured and will get out of the running gate in future years to come.”

“Vitamin C is also helpful for viruses such as flu and COVID. It can do two things: (1) feed the immune system and (2) hinder viruses. Vitamin C has an irritating effect upon a virus’s membranes. Higher dosages of vitamin C tend to create little pits and divots within a virus membrane—its outer protective cover and shield—and this helps weaken and thwart the virus.”

William, Anthony. Medical Medium Revised and Expanded Edition (pp. 51-52). Hay House. Kindle Edition.


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