

The book on the whole, is outstanding!

Hi Owen,

Just want you to know that I finished your book and wrote a review which has been published on Amazon.

It’s a rather comprehensive and very positive 5-star review, although I did make one criticism. I’m emailing you in fairness in case you or your associates might want to comment below my review in defense of the criticism.

However (as I indicated in the review) the information you provided about lipoprotein(a) is exceptionally helpful, and that alone is worth more than the price of the book.

The book on the whole, is outstanding!

With appreciation,

Fred Pauser (aka purposefirst)

September, 2011

Dear Owen Fonorow,

I have been communicating with Sally Jewell for some time. I have not read a book that electrified me as much, and that answered questions that I had now been able to find answers to. I was mesmerized when your info clicked with what I had studied so hard before this. Owen, I have read volumes of books, newsletters, email entries from authentic and knowledgeable sources, etc. I belong to five libraries to find enough material. Since I do not listen to TV, I have the time to pursue other means of information. (I have been in multi-media P.R., sales and advertising for 25 years, and I know what the media usually has to offer… I wrote a lot of the hype.)

Your writing is so easy to read, basic-like 2 plus 2 equals 4. I suggest that my students each read it for their own education and for their family and friends, especially if they have any heart problems.

By the way, I am deeply moved to be communicating with you. I am so impressed with the research you did to write such a book! It is indeed a breakthrough, not only for me but for many, many others.

Thank you,

Marna L’Amie

The most valuable book I have ever owned…

Mon Dec 6 10:42:05 CST 2010

Owen Fonorow;

The most valuable book I have ever owned is Practicing Medicine Without A license. Please let me know when I will be able to obtain a copy of the Handbook Volume 2. Thank you for you valuable time.

Sincerely Yours;

Gloria Goetze

Mon Mar 10, 2008
“Congratulations on the book, it is terrific, well written, easy to read, and probably the best literary work on the subject since Pauling. In fact it brings together not only Pauling’s teachings, but adds so much with the testimonials, and the information from other authors, such as Levy.” –
William Decker (Founder, Tower Laboratories Corp)

Wed Mar 12 2008
“Owen, I just finished reading your book. Impressive. I think you got it all covered and presented in a very understandable manner. I look forward to Vol II – let me know if I can help – I might have some stories.” – George Van Giesen, MD

Thu Mar 13 2008
“Hi Owen, What a super job you’ve done! I’ll buy it as soon as you get the shop going on the website. And very many thanks for all your flattery.” – Sydney Bush, UK

Mar 16 2008
“Owen, Got the book……….excellent…………..I’ll be waiting to see you on Oprah and I am not kidding.
Barry E.” – Illinois

Fri Jul 4 CDT 2008
“Hi Owen,I received your book from Sally Jewell. What an eye opener, I pray that people will get there hands on it. You are helping a lot of people and your rewards will be great. I loved the testimonies in the book, I read them over and over.

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