Vaccines are Silent Killers

But not for the reasons most people might think.

Anti-aging expert Aubrey de Grey explains in his seminal book “Ending Aging” that the total number of immune cells in the body is tightly controlled. There is an ironclad fixed limit on the number of immune cells. Thus there is an upper limit on our immune function.

de Grey:

“There are various reasons for the weakening of the immune system that happens with aging, but one of the most profound—and unexpected—factors underlying our inability to mount a defense against infections that young people shrug off without ever suffering a sniffle is, believe it or not, a form of immunological overcrowding.

“The immune system ruthlessly maintains a cap on the total number of naïve and memory immune cells combined in the body at any given time.”

The ramifications of this upper limit on immune cells are staggering. As we age, our immunity to new threats dwindles as we use up our immune resources that have been targeted against “old” threats.

According to De Grey:

“Between 30 percent and 75 percent of older people fail to respond to flu shots, compared with just 10 percent of young adults.

“Deaths from influenza and influenza-associated pneumonia are almost unheard-of in adults until the seventh decade, after which rates climb exponentially. In the United States, over 90 percent of all deaths from the two diseases are in people over sixty-five years of age.”

A recent report revealed the the elderly are dying in large numbers.

2021 Recorded the Greatest Loss of Elderly Adults in the History of America;read=236197

“Per US Census Data, during the height of COVID the elderly population grew to 6.7 million in 2020, but was devastated by the loss of more than 1 million lives in 2021, after the mRNA vaccine rollout.”

Obviously, the elderly are being targeted, reducing the burden on Social Security and Medicare in the USA, but what kind of world are we creating for our children? Children today grow up with multitudes of vaccinations depleting their overall immune capacity much earlier in life.

More from de Grey:

“The decline of the immune system is one of the most deadly effects of aging. Infections that young people shake off as mere inconveniences are commonly fatal in the biologically old. Influenza, for instance, puts 114,000 Americans into the hospital each year, and flu and flu-related illnesses claim the lives of about 51,000.

“But the disease burden is dramatically skewed toward people who have previously suffered the ravages of aging.

“There are two main branches to the immune system. One is the so-called innate immune system, whose “innateness” comes from the fact that its job is so general that it doesn’t have to “learn” to identify a specific enemy.

“The other main branch is the adaptive immune system. The adaptive immune system is more like a division of highly trained special forces units, each of them expert in waging targeted, tactically sophisticated warfare against specific enemies. This branch is responsible for the ability of the immune system to learn about invaders—and, thus, for the effectiveness of vaccines.

“The problem, once again, begins with the body’s need to balance competing priorities in its metabolic processes—and to do so in the face of limited resources. On the one hand, it’s critical that the immune system be able to identify and fight off infectious agents that it’s never seen before, so it needs to have a reserve of CD8 cells that are ready to respond to new threats, “learn” about their key antigens, and then mount an attack; these are called naïve CD8 cells.

“This would be fine if we could keep on hand as many T cells as we might like, including plenty of naïve cells and large contingents of memory cells specific to each of the many pathogens that our body has racked up in its rogues’ gallery over the course of the years. But producing and maintaining these armies is a resource-intensive investment, and as with everything else, the body’s “budget” for the immune system is limited. To avoid going into deficit on its “military” spending, the body maintains a strict policy of balanced budgets—a limited amount of “immunological space” (as it’s been called) for the entire T cell population in aggregate.”

de Grey, Aubrey; Rae, Michael. Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime (pp. 201-202). St. Martin’s Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

The message is that ordinary vaccinations, rather than improving immunity, create “false alarms” that deplete the number of immune cells available to fight future battles.

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